Marriage Visa in Thailand. For foreign nationals married to Thai citizens, the allure of Thailand's vibrant culture and stunning landscapes can be even more enticing. But enjoying married life in the Land of Smiles requires proper legal documentation. This is where the Thailand Marriage Visa, also known as the "1-Year Extension of Stay Based on […]
Registering a company under the Thailand Board of Investment is an excellent way to benefit from a range of tax and non-tax incentives. It also provides access to a number of government support services. BOI-promoted companies may also receive a faster process for obtaining work permits for foreign employees. However, a company must meet a […]
The Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand, often referred to as the US-Thailand Treaty of Amity, is a bilateral agreement established in 1966. This treaty aims to foster economic cooperation, trade, and investment between the two nations. It lays the groundwork for various aspects […]